
Mobile/Manufactured Homes


Moving a Mobile/Manufactured Home
If an owner is planning to relocate a mobile/manufactured home, the proper state, county, city, and/or township authorities should be contacted to obtain the required permit(s). However, before a permit can be issued, the owner must obtain a tax clearance statement from the Auditor/Treasurer's office in the county where the mobile/manufactured home is presently located stating that all personal property taxes levied on the unit in the name of the current owner have been paid. This form is issued to the owner only when all property taxes that are due or will become due have been paid. If a mobile/manufactured home is moved without the proper paperwork, the law allows for a fine to be imposed on the mover. The owner must bring the Tax Clearance Statement to the Fillmore County Assessor's Office where additional guidance will be given regarding the necessary steps to complete the process of owning and homesteading the mobile home.

Buying/Selling a Mobile/Manufactured Home
A certificate of title is required for mobile/manufactured homes. Once a mobile/manufactured home is titled, this will serve as a bill of sale in a transfer of ownership. The title to a mobile/manufactured home cannot be transferred unless the application for transfer of title is accompanied by a statement from the county auditor or treasurer where the mobile/manufactured home is presently located stating that all personal property taxes levied on the unit in the name of the current owner at the time of transfer have been paid. This applies even if the transfer of title is requested prior to tax statements for the current year since these taxes are considered to be levied as of January 1 of the payable year rather than May 30 as indicated in the other areas of the law. 

This provision does not apply to:

  • a mobile/manufactured home which is sold or otherwise disposed of pursuant to section 504B.271 (abandoned of leased property), or section 504B.265 (death of tenant), by the owner of a manufactured home park; or
  • an owner of a mobile/manufactured home park as defined in section 327.14, subdivision 3, who provides to the county Auditor/Treasurer a notarized statement that the manufactured home is to be destroyed or moved to a site and destroyed.

The owner must bring the Certificate of Title to the Fillmore County Assessor's Office where the Certificate of Title will be photocopied and staff will work with the owner to determine homestead eligibility. If eligible, a Homestead Application will be issued to ensure that the owner receives the homestead tax benefit on your mobile home.

Any additional questions can be directed to the Fillmore County Assessor's Office at 507-765-3868 or Fillmore County Assessor's webpage.

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